Athletes/Parents are responsible for their travel and lodging. We make every effort to contact local hotels well in advance and secure room blocks for our team’s use. We typically choose accommodations that are rated 3-stars or above that also provide double Queen beds, free breakfast, and free WIFI in rooms. We like to keep the team together to ensure everyone gets to the competition venue on time, however, you may choose to arrange your own travel and accommodations (some have family members that they can stay with, have points at other hotels, or find a cheaper rate somewhere else).
In the Summer, the bulk of the meets are in the area, however, District, Regional, and National meets may be in other parts of the state or another part of the country. You may choose to have your athlete participate in only a few of these meets, however, qualifying meets are usually mandatory.
If you want your athlete to compete, but can’t afford to transport the whole family, we do work on ride sharing options and will reserve coach-monitored rooms (separate for boys and girls) for athletes traveling alone. This is usually only reserved for our HS athletes.